You might be wondering why PAFPAI is quite silent after the Agrilink trade fair last October 2008...Well, we have been busy setting up the standards for the free-range poultry industry for the Philippines. It is not as simple as we could imagine. We may be slow for now, but we just want to be 100% sure of whatever information we will give to the public, are what they really deserve. True & honest information and service.
We believe that we don't have to write here who we meet, what we did, where we go, what a hectic day it was, blah blah blah everyday just to have something to write or to say....

This year 2009, expect to know more and learn all the right things about free-range poultry from the right sources. The Philippine Association of Free-range Poultry Advocates, Inc. (PAFPAI) is here to guide, educate, and protect farmers, producers, and consumers.

For now, from all the founding members of our organization, let us great you....